Zero Waste Spinach Freezer Blocks

Who doesn’t love a good meal prep hack, or a zero waste hack? We are privileged enough to have access to plenty of fresh and healthy food so lets not waste it! This simple hack provides a little meal prepping along with preventing food waste.

I have in the past been known to let food and leftovers go to waste and its always haunted me because i do try… but i am also human too. Life gets busy and sometimes we just forget to utilize some leftovers or use some food before it goes bad. I started doing this simple hack for a few reasons. 1) I had some spinach that was not go be used before i went away on a trip, so this was great to freeze it and not let it go to waste 2) i used to blanch and freeze kale to remove the oxalates in the plant, to make it more digestible especially if you are trying to heal and seal a leaky gut and 3) i can never finish a bunch of kale before it goes bad.

Here is a short video to show you how you can freeze spinach and kale to keep in on hand for when its out of season or when you desperately need a handful of spinach for a recipe OR a way to add some extra veggies to a recipe. I find if its there prepped like this i can just grad and go. Enjoy!

Sarah - Welcoming Wellness

Hi - I'm Sarah. I'm on a mission to spread the word about how important your gut health is and how it effects your overall health and wellness.

1 Comment
  • Amanda @ Healthy Motivated Life
    Posted at 13:22h, 24 February Reply

    Such a great tip, thank you! I can never go through my greens fast enough before they spoil, so I will definitely be doing this. I also appreciate the way you walk us through the process of blanching.