Gut Soothing Smoothies

If you are anything like me after the xmas festivities are over, I’m craving the sweet stuff (because of the extra indulging over the holidays) but also I tend to drink way more alcohol because there are heaps more occasions to do so. Craving wine of an evening is a way I tend to ‘hang on’ to the holiday vibes… even though I’m back at work.

The indulging needs to stop at some stage because it can be damaging to your gut if you have had issues in the past (like me) or if you are going through some gut issues.

Getting back on track as quick as possible is super important.

Smoothies are a great breakfast, morning tea or afternoon snack because you can load them with amazing gut healing superfoods and supplements to help heal and seal your gut quick-stat, because they are ‘blended’ the food is already partially broken down making the process easier on your digestion.

Below I have some of my all-time summer favourites to help with the mid-morning hunger or the 3:30 cravings. They are designed to have a hint of sweetness to satisfy the sweet tooth but also loaded with fiber and veg to keep you regular and help rid the festive toxins. Also loaded with antioxidant rich fruits will help with the recovery from the damage done by partying and celebrating a little to hard.

(My gut loving smoothie + recipe collection is getting rather large. Please comment below to let me know if you think I should create an e-book so you can refer to for future ref or for easy access on the ipad, where I keep all of my recipes) 

Optional Gut Healing Supplements:

MSM Powder – read more about its healing abilities HERE. If you can’t be bothered… MSM powder is an organic sulfur, it is an abundant mineral needed for just about every bodily process. It is amazing for helping skin to heal and also helps to heal your gut lining, making it a better environment for your gut bugs to thrive.

L-Glutamine –  Is an amino acid, it also helps to regenerate skin, commonly used by body builders for the muscle recovery but it also helps to heal your gut lining.

Flax meal + LSA mix: are adding fiber to your diet to help promote proper digestion by moving your food through your body, quickly. When food hangs around to long it can putrefy causing constipation, gas, bloating and also damage the gut environment, not in favour for your good gut bugs.

Milk Kefir / coconut yogurt: Adds beneficial bacterial in the form of probiotics, I add to my smoothies any chance I can to get my daily dose of probiotics. If you cant find in the shops… learn how to make your own HERE.

Smoothie Infograph

If you are anything like me, you are a pin-a-holic so be sure to share on pintrest or pop in your “healthy eating” “clean eating” folder for future reference.

Hope these smoothies provide you with as much gut lovin joy as they do for me! I enjoy mine topped with home made granola, chia seed pudding (for an extra protein hit after a workout) or just with shredded coconut or chopped fruit. The toppers seam annoying at first but there is actually reason for them. Digestion starts in your mouth so it is important to swirl the smoothies in your mouth to mix them with your siliva (an important part of digestion) and also chewing the topping first stimulates the saliva.

Welcoming Wellness.Sarah



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Be sure to stay up to date with everything gut lovin, sign up to our tribe for sporadic inspiration, recipes, blogs and the latest Kitchen Talk episodes. Also by unlocking my free resources you will have access to my gut guide “How to Love Your Guts + Transform Your Health” a complementary workbook, a pantry swap guide to help you ditch all the crappy unhealthy foods hiding in your pantry and diet, our lifestyle by design guide to help you overhaul some bad lifestyle habits effecting your gut and last but not least… a tutorial on how to make gelatin gut lovin gummie snacks.

Sarah - Welcoming Wellness

Hi - I'm Sarah. I'm on a mission to spread the word about how important your gut health is and how it effects your overall health and wellness.

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