Digestive Tea Blend


I have a very expensive habit… herbal tea!! There are some amazing brands out there, I have a favourite brand and I will always be tempted when I see them in-store, their blends are seriously heavenly and wonderfully medicinal… but they aren’t cheap.

I am happy to buy good quality products but when I go through me teas as quickly as I do it gets expensive quick! The one thing I find people are put off by, when it comes to health foods is price. If its good for you or marketed as a health food I swear the price is tripled. It’s a shame… so I’m always looking for ways to save one some things so I can splurge on the more expensive. I have a local store that sell loose produce including teas, herbs and spices. I can make up a huge batch of tea by combining the loose/ bulk products to make a good saving.

Living healthy doesn’t have to be expensive.

This is an old remedy / recipe for digestion. It’s a great tea to have after a meal to assist with digestion. Having healthy digestion will also help move your food through, give your gut bugs a chance to protect your health and a healthy gut = a healthy life.




FENNEL: Is has a slightly sweet note and has an subtle aniseed flavor. Fennel seeds are loaded with goodness that helps assist with proper digestion. Stimulating digestive juices, reduces digestive inflammation and reduces gas and bloating. It is hard to tell how much nutrition you get from each brew but the seeds are loaded with iron, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, selenium, magnesium and zinc. You will be getting trace amounts of these amazing vitamins and minerals essential for good health.

LICORICE ROOT: I tend to add a teaspoon of licorice root to my teas as a sweetener… they give you this amazing aniseed flavor and subtle sweetness without the sugar. Licorice root has anti-inflammatory properties and is soothing for the digestion track, helps to stimulate bile production for good and proper digestion.

PEPPERMINT: Is known for soothing upset stomachs. It is great for healthy digestion because it also stimulates bile production, aids digestion by moving gas through the body (reduces bloating). Peppermint has a real calming effect so helps to relive mental stress, nausea and as an added bonus freshens your breath.



  • 1 cup peppermint tea leaves
  • ½ cup licorice root
  • 1/3 cup fennel seeds

Enjoy a cup before or after a meal.

Welcoming Wellness.Sarah

Sarah - Welcoming Wellness

Hi - I'm Sarah. I'm on a mission to spread the word about how important your gut health is and how it effects your overall health and wellness.

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