gut health Tag

If find that people either love of hate beet kvass. If you are a lover, you might like to try this simple fermented beverage. This is a lacto-fermented beverage which means you are creating an environment suitable for lactobacillus species of bacteria (aka probiotics) to grow. Probiotics and beneficial bacteria are wildly known for their health benefits but what you probably didn't know is that fermenting food increases their bio-availability which means that the food is predigested (by the bacteria) making the nutrients (vitamins + minerals) more available and easily assimilated by you. I think by now most people...

If there is one thing that 2019 taught me it was this…  Your happiness is your responsibility. It was a weird year last year. I had plenty of ups and downs but ultimately I realised that my happiness was MY responsibility. I had to stop relying on other people to find joy, laughter and fulfillment.  I basically dove in deep to learn the things that I truly loved, things that made me happy. I spent A LOT of time alone and a lot of time quietly blaming other people for not being available to give me something to do. My partner had expressed...

“Health starts from within” Dialing in on your gut health could be the answer to freeing you from your skin issues. Most people have heard this saying… but (speaking from experience) it’s hard to believe when you are suffering from a debilitating skin condition. Skin issues can take a huge blow to your self esteem (especially acne on the face). It’s especially hard when you are trying your absolute best to “eat healthy” without seeing results because skin health can take some time to heal. It is a weird connection to wrap your head around BUT your microbiome and your gut health is...